Since moving to LA, working from home has sort of been my steez. I love waking up early, brewing some Intelligentsia and sitting down with Pippa to work. I feel more creative and more free to explore different aspects of my career vs. sitting at a desk day and night. I don't know if any of you know what I'm talking about but it's seriously the best.
Maybe it's the fact that I can throw my hair in a knot, put on a comfy sweater and get down to biz.
Maybe it's the fact that I can take a 9AM conference call under the covers.
Maybe it's the fact that I don't necessarily need to put on makeup as to not scare anyone.
Or maybe it's the fact that I'm able to take a walk, grab a coffee with a friend and work just about anywhere [including my favorite coffee shop] at any given time. Yeah, I think it's that.
Do you work from home? Is it hard for you or do you just freaking love it?!
I'd love to hear any tips or recs you have for that work-from-home hustle!