Lincoln Center Street Style-Day Three Pt 3

Taking street style photos has been one of my favorite times in New York. I get to capture all these people who utilize their style as their creative outlet. Not only is it beautiful expressive, it's inspiring.

Meet Raven McBride of (above). This guy was sick-all his jewelry and accessories are pieces he created himself. One of his partners had on this amazing harness that I literally wanted to snatch off his chest. Unfortunately, I didn't have $550 to legit own that piece but I was in heaven just analyzing everything they both were wearing. He cracked me up because while Jessica, of Bits of Banter, was helping me with credits, she asked him where the top was from...he pauses and says, "shh...Forever 21". Hey, mixing high and low is the new thing and he wore it well.

Can you tell I was obsessed with him and his crowd? God, I love eccentricity.

This cute old man was shooting my friend Katie, for God knows what. He just kept snapping away all week without disclosing who the hell he was shooting for.

Katie, who writes for multiple publications including AOL's the Stylelist, looked adorable. She was so easy to spot when I was searching for her at Lincoln Center. That dress was the best color in life.

Okay, really?! I was so obsessed. These two, my goodness, I could NOT get enough. First off, homegirl aka Ashley Bass, looked chic and fabulous and get this...she was wearing all fast-fashion! That poncho, it's H&M! Ya, I died. Everything she had on was either Forever 21 or H&M. I couldn't believe how chic and expensive this look, looked like. Yet, it couldn't of cost her more than $100 together. Loved it. Her friend, however, Ian Park, was designer chic. He had a monogrammed LV bag, Hermes' bracelet, Marc Jacobs pants, D&G watch...I mean, this boy was fitted out. I couldn't get enough of these two; possibly my favorites.

More to come. God, I love this city.




Toni Francesc-SS/11 (Picture-Heavy Post)


Lincoln Center Street Style-Day Three Pt 2