fur infinity

Crasszy peplum 001
Crasszy peplum 011
Crasszy peplum 012
Crasszy peplum 013
Crasszy peplum 003

I was inspired by Erin to break out my peplum vintage top I got from Painted Bird in San Francisco a while back. I wore it more work-professional when I first got this top here but I wanted to break it out again to make it more casual. So thanks Erin for the inspiration! :)

So, wow, last week was rough. I was so busy with work and getting ready for the holidays that I've completely forgotten, more like ignored, my weekly schedule of postings. My apologies. I'll get back on track in the new year. That's going to be in my resolutions among other things. I know, I know, resolutions never seem to go as planned but I enjoy making them. It's a part of it to make them and break them, for me. So look forward to that post after Christmas. I'm also going to be posting about my 2009 breakdown. Check out my 2008 breakdown. I'm actually debating about doing it...so read my last years, and let me know if you'd like to see my 2009 breakdown. Post in a comment below.

In the meantime, Christmas is coming up and I'm so excited. The BF and I are together, I'm going to be with both sets of families, and this Christmas is going to be much different. Every year, it's been a stressful time trying to get money together to buy everyone gifts. Although, it's truly been my fault, I've never been able to give EVERYONE gifts for Christmas. But this year, my entire family has cut back and we're all doing it different. It's a nice change and rather refreshing to know that it's about family time and celebrating together. As my mom says, it's about celebrating the birth of Jesus and what He came to Earth for. :)



IKKS Inspiration


maiden lane