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DIY'ed Tee denim shorts; Forever 21 | black tights; Target | black lace pumps; Target | bangles; Forever 21 | infinity scarf; H&M | chain necklace; Forever 21

As you all know, I'm obsessed with Raquel Allegra's beautiful t-shirts created to look like works of art. I'm working on saving for one of her actual shirts she's created but until then, I've decided to DIY my own. Jennie, from Going West, said it was easy, just watch TV to pass the time. It took me 7 hours to finish my first one and I love it. I went to Urban Outfitters today because they are having this huge extra 50% off all women's sale and I scooped up some awesome tees for $5 to shred. I finished one tonight and I'm going to work on the other tomorrow. It's now an obsession. :) Raquel, one day I will be able to afford one you've created...since mine are full of holes... |side glance| LOL.

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i'm obsessed with this last photo; the light picks up the shredded edges so well.

To refresh everyone's memory, this is the actual Raquel Allegra piece that I crave over:

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In other news, I'm moving in six days and I can't wait to be done with it. Also, the bay area bloggers will be attending my pot luck dinner for us all to sit down and chat again. I'm so excited and if I missed any bloggers, feel free to comment and let me know.



