Outffittsss 038 not the way I live. I've been in a frenzy trying to get my life together. I'm moving, literally, EIGHT DAYS, I'm re-launching my website and I'm slowly getting back into blogging. I can't keep up with my outfit posts because it takes way long to load my computer. I've timed it; 15 minutes to load just the windows programs, not including the additional 15 minutes to load the internet and/or my sitebuilder.... |side glance|

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p.s. have no clue what's going on with the color of my thighs........

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fur vest;LF | Silk blouse; Zara | vintage Ralph Lauren belt;Thrift Town | high-waisted corseted denim shorts; LF | random jewelry; everywhere & their mom | vintage cowboy boots;Buffalo Exchange | bag;Monserat De Lucca

I do not know how to dress for hot weather because once again, it was death hot at work...for some reason I thought fur would be fine today. Obvi, not. But alas, I feel confident in my outfit so I had a great day at work. I had a good three cups of coffee so that helped with the perk.

This amazing woman came into the boutique today and I literally died. Her top almost brought me to my knees. I HAD to ask her if I could take a photo because seriously, it was to die for and I am now, officially, going to be saving up for this top. DIED.

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Please meet my new obsession; Raquel Allegra. I know, I know, a lot of people know about her. She launched about a year ago but honestly, I don't care...I'm dying NOW. This woman, Stacey,  rocked this amazing piece. I was dying to get my hands on it but she said it's a year old. I'm officially on a quest to find me a Raquel Allegra piece and I'll be saving until I find one!

[video sourced from ShopFlick Channel]

This girl has it down; my look. Anyone want to contribute to my saving account? One top goes for no less than $500. I know, insane but to me, so worth it.


