Photo by: Chelsea Cooper

Photo by: Chelsea Cooper

My passion has been and always will be, to create. Period. 
I could not give that up for the world. Let me say now, I'm sorry for the scares. 

But, I've got to admit... 
It's been scary these past few months (definitely, probably longer) where I couldn't find my voice, wasn't sure why I was creating in the first place and what Profresh Style stood for anymore. More importantly, I've had the hardest time committing to content, after ideating, creating and editing. And, as most know, this is a laborious process. But, that's neither here nor there. When I built Profresh Style, my intention was to build a community (a super throwback PS video, the first) where I interviewed up and coming creatives, people I looked up to and I've always had a passion for highlighting people who were under-appreciated, and not in a self-righteous way. That was my first and true passion, to build and maintain a community. Little did I know, it would turn into a personal + transformational diary where I shared not only my personal style but my life transitions, my breakups, my financial issues and my journey from coast-to-coast. And, I'm so happy it turned into this. Because, I'm surrounded by the dopest little community of passionate, enthusiast creative people I could ever have around me... you guys. 

I'm still transitioning.

This blog will always be present for me, whether you are here to read or not. It provides a release, it gives me a home to create content for myself and those that come to read. Will this be a business? No, not necessarily. And, that's okay with me. There's more for me in this space, and I can't wait to share it with you. 

This look doe, circa 2009.

This look doe, circa 2009.

You've been given leak after leak throughout the past 12 months about what I've been working on and it's still in progress. I quit my full-time job, which was a major deal for me. I've always taken the "safe route". Back in 2009, when a bunch of content creators gathered together in San Francisco, we only knew that we had similar interests. From that moment on, we had a connection of creating content, it was our own special community. Over time, my creator friends became some of the largest content creators in the world (WHICH IS PRETTY F*CKING EPIC). I never found my footing, and ended up taking the safe route. I maintained focus on a "professional" career by taking digital marketing internships and working as a store manager for a french boutique. I moved from city to city, taking "big-girl" jobs and feeling awesome, building up my marketing career. But, creating content was still always a massive focus. I found the time, as minimal as it was to continue making content. 7 years and counting... because I took the safe route, I felt like I could never compare to that core group of friends, years and years ago.

That's all changed now. I found a deep acceptance to the kind of creator I am and have a massive respect for my collegiate creators who have found such incredible success. There is no longer this envy or passive feeling that they or I are better than one another. And, there's more. 

But,  you've got to wait...

... because tomorrow is a video. And, I know how much you guys LOVE videos ;) I can't wait to share what I've been working on (considering I shared on IG already) but it's going to be incredible. And, it's the next phase of my life, the best and risky phase ever.

Photo by: Chelsea Cooper

Photo by: Chelsea Cooper

Christina Topacio
A life with style blog, dedicated to giving you direct sassness and satire, every week of the year.

