You guys may of seen me tweet about exciting news or may of seen my Instagram post of a passport on a beautiful purple scarf... I'm so cryptic but I really was just waiting for it to sink in, to be real. WELL GUYS..
I'm going to Indonesia!
Oh, this is so surreal. Let's start from the beginning shall we? Before I went on my blog hiatus, I blogged about #BatikDay to support the movement in Indonesia happening, to support as a community. Genuinely the partnership was birthed because of my relationship with Radenroro and I would do anything for them. So, to support the designer's community, I blogged about this special movement. Now, I didn't think much of it. I just hoped that my blog was able to expose something my readers may not be aware of. AND because of you readers, you awesome readers, the support was plentiful. I received an email from Indonesia, thanking me for supporting this movement...and to come visit Indonesia. I thought, well that's sweet, if I could afford a plane ticket I would totally be down. But as I read the email further, the words came to light, "All expense paid trip to Indonesia". I quite literally died in my chair. You guys, I'm going to Indonesia!
I'm not going for some campaign, I'm not going because I'm getting paid, I'm going because they were genuinely thankful for support. What's crazy is I didn't know the outcome of the original post. I just thought I was helping a friend of a friend out which I'm more than happy to do. It's why I have a voice, right? I get to enjoy the beauty of another culture of which I've never experienced. The farthest I've been is Canada so you can imagine my excitement. My passport is over the moon right now.
I'll be going to attend Jakarta Fashion Week but also touring cities who produce Batik which is probably the most exciting. I'll also be going to the Borobudur Temple in Java which is going to be magnificent. I'll be there for a whole week, experiencing a new culture, a beautiful culture. My mind is BLOWN.
But I just want to say a big thank you, to you. If it wasn't for your support in that post and helping me spread the movement, who knows? This trip may of not happened. Either way, I'm so blessed to have this opportunity. So thank you for being some rad ass readers. YOU GUYS blow my mind.
On a side note, as some of you may of noticed or heard, I AM on a blogging hiatus. I'm working on myself, getting my real life in order so I can survive in this crazy city and be able to write to you, in a sort of "unpaid for" manner. Don't get me wrong, working with brands, sponsored posts, free clothes, opportunities, campaigns, etc are so fun for me and obviously beneficial but I was getting to the point of relying on those to survive. It just became foolish to me. I felt my blog being cluttered with things that weren't relevant to my life, to my blog, to you. These past few weeks have been such great reflection. I've learned so much about myself and who I want to be on the blog. I'm branching out far more than I ever have and I'm so excited to share with you what is to come. Keep following along, you may get random posts on my hiatus, like this.
More to come, I promise. I truly can't wait. xx P.S. Still sending out response emails. If you haven't received one, send me a follow-up or it should arrive shortly! I've just learned about google folders so sorting through has been FUN.
Photos via Flickr