Let me just tell you what I've discovered lately-
There is a baseball field by my apartment. There is a BASEBALL FIELD by my apartment. Do you hear that? Do you comprehend what I'm saying to you? BOY. SCOUTING. SAUCY MEN. SCOUTING. By far, my new favorite weekend activity. And what better way than to get a little "Take me out to the babegame"-esque by donning a bandana and red lipstick?
You may be wondering why this is dedicated to my birthing device (mom). She's a sweet one, that lady. For my 25th birthday, she sent me an ODE TO THE 80'S care package and enclosed were some definite treasures. Some of the pieces I chose to wear are the BE HAPPY jersey top and well, you'll see once you scroll down. Get it. Girl. Her goal was to see if I could actually style these and perhaps pull them off. Well, I don't know about you but #heygirlhey, I think I did it. Thanks madre- told you it'd make it on the blog.