If you're coming from Pretty Shiny Sparkly, WELCOME! And if you haven't checked out my guest post for PSS, check it out now! I'm talking about what to wear for the holidays! This particular post on MY blog is what I'm wearing for Christmas day-a festive, retro-style dress and a fur coat. You can't get any better! Oh, and fishnets for a dash of sexiness.
Christmas is in two days and the party dresses are coming out of the wardrobe! Finally, my furs are being released and my fun party dresses are getting some air. Did you also check the sequined platforms? Yes, sequined platforms-a new and uncomfortable treasure.
I am so excited that Christmas is here but I don't want it to go so soon because it's closer to a new year. I've hardly recovered from this year; I can't imagine what's in store for 2011. Christmas with my family is going to be quite chaotic. I'm doing a bunch of traveling and house-jumping. Although, that is one of my favorite parts about the holidays-the fast pace of it all. My all-time favorite part about the holidays is spending time with my family and talking about memories and funny stories. Nothing is better than reminiscing with the crazies I'm related too.
In our family, we play White Elephant but a bit more nontraditional. We gove food gifts with the GRAND PRIZE gift being Almond Roca (usually hidden in packages of gross stuff like dried squid or pigs feet) and/or Spam (What?? We're Filipino.) and the gift to NOT get is the actual gift of pigs feet or health items. HAHA. We're a fatty family, what can I say?
What are your plans for the holidays? Anything special? Any special traditions? I'd love to hear it!
If you missed the survey, don't forget to take it! CLICK HERE!
Thrifted shirtdress with sash | vintage fox fur coat from my ggmomma | Steve Madden glitter platforms | random fishnets | vintage sequined bolero | the usual rings
Happy Holidays!
♥(Pedo) Santa & Profresh Style!