Lincoln Center Street Style Continued


My fashion week continued with more amazing street style. I really am enjoying this but I don't live in New York to be able to capture such style. San Francisco is "truly, the land style forgot". However, I'm sure all street style photographers were lucky because this week brought all the fashionable people out-even the ones not even conducting business there, those sneaks.

This saucy Swedish love was anything but demure. Meet Carina Dahl-what made her wake up this morning and put on that Topshop jumper is beyond me, but thank God she did because it's hot and sexy. Love that she rocked a "Cassie-do"...if ya'll don't know what I'm talking about, read more hip-hop sites.


This simplisitic yet chic woman is Danielle Duboise, Co-Founder of Sakara, a healthy living company. Danielle completely rocked this simplistic ensemble-what an ease and poise this look created on her form. I love when women can really pull together an outfit without it looking contrived or trying too hard.


You all know that I love menswear. Any male that can take the time to put thought in his wardrobe while also looking seamless and effortless is more than okay in my books. Joshua, on the right, is an eloquent writer of one of my favorite menswear blogs, His friend, Rhamier, had just as much swagger as the team of SE. I've been reading Joshua & Travis's blog for some time now always in awe at what care these two put in-not only in their efforts of style but in their writing. If you haven't checked SE out, you need to. Especially if you're like me and enjoy a well-dressed man. I ran into them on my way home on my last night in New York and met Travis. You should of seen it; it was like a scene out of a retro-60's movie-well dressed men, walking down the streets of Manhattan, looking daper and clean. I didn't get a picture then, which I should of- however, I did get a great image of them on my Day 2 walking in Lincoln Center. I want to say a very special thank you to:

Jose from Visual Pleasures for this post & Tiara from Luxe Delux for this post

So sweet of you both and I'm very appreciative and thankful!

More street style to come as well as some personal shots of my time in New York.




Profresh Style in New York City