Your bark warms my soul, Mr. Kate
You might of seen Mr. Kate on the likes of Geri from Because I'm Addicted and Cat from KnightCat. I sit among those wonderful ladies. Ali & Kate, from Mr. Kate, sent me this gorgeous bark ring that I can't get enough of. It's perfect in size, lightweight and totally badass. I was completely drawn to this line starting from the awesome logo. I mean, a mustache...WITH A MOLE?! I mean, have you seen my face? I have two fatties sittin on there with a bunch of other baby-size ones. I was drawn to the moles. Then, I discovered the mass aray of goodies on the site. I was obsessed with everything. They have this awesome body chain that is a must. They also have the same detailing but in a headpiece and you all already know how I am with my headpieces..DYING.
So, if you haven't checked out this lovely jewelry line already, do so now! I'll wait... :)
Thank you both! I will rock this all NYFW long! Speaking of which, my lovely readers, I am getting on a plane in less than four hours to the beautiful New York City. Fashion Week is upon us ladies & gents. My first stop is the IFB Conference at the Hudson Hotel. So, gallivant we go.