some men are like wet boogers
he definitely needs to STFU.
I know, this isn't a fashion-related post. For that, I apologize. It really does suck not having a photographer. I'm even tempted to ask my neighbors in my complex. HA. no.
Anyway, so many great things are happening though-it's funny, with the good has come the bad literally back to back. I'm surviving however, taking it one day at a time. I figure, we only get one life to live and why sit around and sulk-let's grab our friends, go out & dance.
current fav song-omg usher ft.
now, time to get ready. heading to the Marshalls & TJ Maxx event.
The car will be here at 7AM, and I'm too afraid to ask to get coffee. lol.
promise to post looks soon. soon. soon. soon.