denim expressions

 Lookslooks 021

Lookslooks 035

H&M denim blouse | Riki pant leggings | vintage cowboy boots | Express cropped leather moto jacket | merino wool dreaded scarf | LF feather earrings

I'm obsessed with my new blouse from H&M. I haven't gone mainstream shopping in quite a long time and the minute I take a gander at H&M's window and fell in immediate love. I wore it to the 7x7 celebration dinner I held the day before and yes, I wore it AGAIN the next day to work. It's okay, you get to judge me. Hopefully I'll be posting about the dinner. I just need to get the rest of the pictures..cough cough JT :)

Lookslooks 023
Lookslooks 025
Lookslooks 027

Lookslooks 030

I need to express something that I find extremely important because I feel ALL women need to hear this, per-say:

What is it with women who constantly need a man's approval, specifically when it comes to clothing? Why do women care so much what men think about how they dress? I find it so revolting when I see, either a woman not buying something unless their significant other approves it or when men think that their "two-cents" means anything?  Raise your confidence and dress on your own account, not theirs. If your not confident that he finds you sexy or attractive, or you worry he'll have a wandering eye because you don't dress the way he likes, then why are you with that person? He should enjoy you for your own sense of style, not how he wants to perceive YOU. Don't even get me started on that. That's a whole other topic. I'm tired of all these girls/women who care so much about a guys' opinion. Unless they are Hamish Bowles, stop asking them for their opinion. If you do ask, you'll get one of two options:

1. A really, general response like, "yaaa, it's cute, YUP, i like it"


2. You'll get some really narcissistic answer that you know you don't want to hear anyway like, "It's kind of tight on your chest, it's a little too short, I don't like that color on you."

Women, dress for yourselves, not the other way around.


Sorry I got all "preachy", I just had to express this simply because I come across this scenario DAILY.


Lookslooks 014

i hate to see her go, but i love to watch her leave.


FW2010 Reviews


oh spring, hurry up and come already