It's been a minute guys. The last pieces of content I made, both video and photo, were in January. That's three months ago. 2015 has been massively eventful in the most insane way possible. I'd love to get into all of that, but I mean, where's the mystery then, you know? #ifyoufollowmeonInstagramyoualreadyknowmostofit
But, what I really just want to say is... hi. I miss you. I miss being able to talk to you without feeling like I'm obligated or somehow need to sell you on something. It's not as if those things are bad because they aren't, in the slightest. I'm just glad to be writing you without any other intention other than to say... hello. We've been in a relationship now for almost seven years. That's the longest I've ever been committed to something or someone. I've quit job after job, relationship after relationship, and sometimes, even friendships. But, this blog, this little piece of the internet I own, is the best thing about my presence on here. It's not about the articles written or the work I've accomplished, albeit it's wonderful, I just love knowing that I own my words, I own this space. You come here for my honesty and truth, no matter the sense it makes.
I often debate about what Profresh Style will evolve into. I ask questions like..
what purpose does it serve? Why do you find yourselves reading my words? Where would you rather be than on here?
Not that the answers matter. I'll still write, no matter who stays or who goes. But, I'm always curious about evolution. I get to work with so many amazing brands, be it people or companies, and to watch them grow and evolve and help + support them in the process has been eye-opening and exciting. Thrilling, even, to know I've had a hand in their journey, their evolution. But, I catch myself thinking about where is my evolution?
I'd like to think I've evolved into a much stronger, brighter, beautiful person as I've aged. I continue to further my career and advance myself in learning new skills. I continue to build stronger relationships with my friends + family. I continue to open myself up to vulnerability as hard as that process is. But, I stare at this dotcom and wonder, when will my truest story unfold? When will be the moment of clarity I need to start this fresh, start this anew, start this again? I'm not too certain and I'm not too clear of what I'd like this space on the web to be. I do know that I want you. Every piece of you, each honest moment you've shared with me over these years be it in a comment or daring email, has continued me on this platform. I could never leave. Why would I?
Half the time, I'm not certain of myself. The other half, is confident I'll figure it out. So as I become whole, won't you watch and see?
love you. hello again.