This girl.
I met this darling little gem through the wonders of the internet and am I ever grateful. She's biz-pro, hilarious (have you never seen her improv?!) and she's genuinely a nice person. I was so graciously chosen to be her STYLE ME CRUSH. I'm honored, sweet lady!
The funniest part about us is she's from NY, a transplant in LA and I just came from NY, back to my Cali home. And my style is still clearly NY [hi black!] and she's definitely embraced Cali style. As unbelievable as this is, this outfit situation was completely coincidental. Goes to show our intuition, duh.
Check out her look + more on her lovely webspace thing and you know, follow her. Because she's pretty legit. #justsayin
Warby Parker WHEELER sunshades [*new collection PALM CANYON is genius] | BUY HERE
Topshop Top | BUY HERE
David Kahn Wide-Leg Denim | BUY HERE
Straight To Hell Leather Jacket
Melody Ehsani PROFRESH Necklace
Nine West Boots | [sold out] BUY BETTER ONES HERE
Pour La Victorie Clutch
Oh and PS. Watch us here - we filmed for my blogiversary about word association. So that's fun.
Photos by: Silvia G