Nothing says American like grocery store cookies, PBR and salsa/twerking on the roof. Oh, say can you see.
My roommate and I were hosts for a close friend's 4th of July BBQ and it was honestly one of the better times on our roof. We had such a good time helping to host new friends and old. That's got to be one of my favorite things about New York City. You can bring the most random groups of people and yet find that they will always have a great time bonding over the struggles over this insane and intense city.
Hope you all had a safe and fun 4th of July. What did you cool kids do? P.S. Did I mention we were too drunk to get over to the Westside to watch the fireworks? Yea. It was a good night.
Read about myfirst 4th of July in the city | my second 4th of July on the east coast