You've fallen hard, everyone is happy, things are going great- better than expected to say the least. The 0-60 feeling has fizzled a bit but what's left is pure happiness. Dancing can't even begin to emote the feelings inside. But when you fall too hard, does it feel like your spinning out of control? Do you expect that person to catch you if you fall? What happens if you put too much trust in this new found love? Is that even an option?
After feeling this rush of euphoria, panic hits. You realize you've opened up more than you'd like, you've said things you didn't expect to say, you've OVER-compromised. You start backpedaling and resisting anything that could touch you deeply. You tell yourself you won't be hurt again, you won't let it happen. After you've backpedaled, you realize the harm you have caused on anything for the future and to that person. What are you supposed to do then?
You let it happen. You know it's dangerous but you keep falling. What could possibly be your damage?