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Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. and like many, it got me thinking. 

What makes a great leader?

A man, not dissimilar of you or I, created a journey for himself that would guide, lead and ensure remembrance for decades on decades the power of change, love, forgiveness. 

And in acknowledging and being present to his journey and his leadership, I wanted to reflect on heart-led leadership. I'm reading a book called The Heart-Led Leader and it's incredible what a shift of perspective will do to your entire business and personal life. I've been reading book after book about being swift + quick, how to be lean and essentially, how to be a complete a**hole. Clearly, not the right reading material for the kind of person and community I want to create. So, I had to ask...

What comes of a leader who doesn't care about people but rather how to get rich, quick? 
What comes of a leader who doesn't make moves based on the needs of others, rather the needs of themselves? 
What comes of a leader who governs a community, rather than live and breathe within it? 

As I continue to grow this business, I look forward to this new way of thinking; one of which, I did not actively possess. Leading with your heart isn't a sign of weakness, especially being a woman. I am inspired by many communities where the heart is more active in the conversation than just being mindful. Building a business has a new sense of meaning, with a new sense of understanding that to lead with love is not weak. 

Today is a day of honor. A man who inspired many to lead with their heart, be in action with love and to seek compassion before indifference. How are you leading with your heart?