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Simple hands, a complex mind. 

There, I said it. I finally released a sentence that I've brewed upon as old as diner coffee. I tend to sit on ideas for weeks, months, YEARS so afraid to voice that idea in fear someone will take it, that I won't amount to the idea or scared of having an idea with no follow-through. But that has changed, thanks to the past few #WomenWhoRock dinners. I'm so thankful to be a part of something as simple as a dinner, and as complex as a group of women.

I cooked a menu that felt simple but can definitely be overthought when hearing words like risotto, reduction, mise en place. But it was honestly the simplest of meals. After all the dishes were placed on the table, neatly so, we all took a seat. With glasses full of wine and mouths full of food, we started into conversation. As the night wore on and homemade Magnolia Bakery-style banana cream pie was placed on the table, the conversation stirred steep. Women have such powerful voices, although sometimes heard, not always is someone listening. Not this night. I'm thankful for these round tables. Each voice, if voiced, was heard and listened to and responded to. I can't say that always happens in groups of women. This is not to say that this ONLY happens here but I can say that what Natalie and Khalehla have created is strong, empowering, fulfilling.

After having been to two WWR dinners, hosted and created by poet Natalie Patterson and writer Khalehla Rixon, I was very excited to get an opportunity to host at my home. Also, any excuse to cook! One of things about the dinner is you can invite whoever you want, be it past guests or new. But I knew exactly who I wanted to invite as I felt each person had something they were working on to potentially share and in turn be able to add to the conversation. Instead of me telling you what they think, they've shared a little piece with you instead, shared throughout this post. 

Now, post dinner, I've learned so much about the motive of these dinners. There are no guidelines or agendas but there is a reason for each seat filled. Whether my friends stay and contribute or leave with complex thoughts, I'm so happy these moments are provided. 

Someone not photographically featured was my dear friend Sabrina, the beauty behind the camera. I'm so thankful for her eye, these photos, her time. Without solicitation, she took these photos, capturing some of my favorite moments of the night. Also, thank you to my friends for sharing, listening and contributing: Alex, Jazzi, Gabi + Kira.

If there was one thought you needed to share with your friends but either are too afraid to say it out loud or haven't had the opportunity, I want to give you that opportunity now.

I'm open ears.