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Happy 24th days left til Christmas!

Yes, I am definitely that person. I obsess over Christmas the moment it feels appropriate, i.e. the moment I've digesting Thanksgiving turkey. My new apartment is craving a beautiful, tall Christmas tree and the mantle is in desperate need of fir branches and holiday lights. And yes, this has nothing to do with my outfit. 

Now to my body and this really cool title. So, my body is not in blame of Thanksgiving turkey. I am currently the thickest I've ever been... I think. Certainly to blame is the fact I have to drive everywhere and also, I don't exercise. So homegirl is now embracing this new ass, these expanding thighs and the baggy arm fat slowly drifting down my pretend biceps. Even my girlfriends from back home noticed and those are the kids that will tell the truth so help them God. So, hello bodacious bod. 

Not that I'm complaining, per say. Nor have I had complaints. I'm definitely learning how to dress this new body, embrace the curves along with the rolls. It's been fun to get into high-waisted jeans and simpler silhouettes. But it's been quite the challenge... like learning how to layer with a tank because homegirl can't rock the bra-no-undershirt sitch no more. COOL.

But if you could have a dream body, would you rather have that or the one you're in now?
I don't know if I could have a "dream" body. Would I really be happy in a dream body or would I just find something wrong with it? Tell me what you're thinkin'.

Get The Goods:

Zara belt 
bebe skinny jeans | B HERE
Forever 21 Varsity Jacket | BUY HERE  
Alloy leopard heels | BUY HERE
Le Tote chain necklace | SIGN UP HERE [20% discount: PROFRESHSTYLE]
Mr. Kate bark ring
charming charlie skull ring
Pour La Victoire clutch
Warby Parker "Robinson" sunnies | 

Photos by: Sabrina Noel Hill