Aren't familiar with the Bay Area? What's wrong with you?
Aren't familiar with Danika Brysha? Then, really, what is wrong with you?
I hung out with this crazy girl who has lit up of my life since having her around maybe two years ago now. She is a working model in the industry who is just killing it. I look up to this chick in the highest regard so I'm pretty stoked to share this video with you.
Since she is off to New York City to pursue an even bigger dream, I thought we definitely had to film a video together. You'll soon find, I went a little 'hood' on her and taught her a thing or two about the Bay Area. Listen in and you may just learn a thing or two yourself.
Go watch her video we did together on her channel and don't forget to susscribe! Need convincing? This + this is ALL you need.
Susscribe to me, duh.