Spent Easter Sunday with my weekend lass and it was really, really nice. So nice that I've got to share a wonderful story with you.
We walked into this amazing restaurant in Astoria, Locale, and I desperately needed to use the restroom so while Karen got seats, off I went. After I came back feeling refreshed (pa-pa-potty time), I was ready to grub. Karen and I are goofing off, laughing and being typical girls, taking pictures and just indulging in each other's company when a woman taps me on the shoulder. This is what she said:
"I just have to tell you that you have such a presence. From the moment you walked in, you were so captivating. I love your vibe, absolutely love your style and just need to tell you that. You and your friend have such radiating energy, it's so attracting and beautiful."
She said it so eloquently that I'm sure I butchered it but ....!!! That woman, I won't ever forget. That was such a moment for me. Coming off such a wild ride this year and its' previous, it was the most perfect thing a stranger could say to me. Such a mood booster and overall act of kindness that gave me a self-esteem boost that I really needed at that moment. I think what made it so awesome was that she was a stranger, taking notice of a silly person like me and just had to say something to me before she left. I want to be that kind of person; the kind of person that watches and sees who and what is happening around her, so much so that she has to say something to a perfect stranger. It's such a wonderful thing, from the receiving end and I'm sure from the giving end as well.
She made my day. So whoever you are out there, thank you. Thank you for making my day that much better and for inspiring me to be a better being.
// Wearing //
vintage rabbit and pearl oversized sweater | vintage 60's minidress (remember here?!) | vintage Ralph Lauren belt | Pour La Victorie nude pumps |
| Forever 21 chiffon skirt (underneath) |
necklace & studs
Photos by my boo thang Karen