I'm still on a whirlwind high coming back from Indonesia. Sometimes when I get home from work, I lay in bed and scan through the photos from the trip with a ridiculous smile on my face. I miss everything about the trip- the people I went with, the moments spent wandering the cities and the times alone to be in my thoughts. There was a moment at the Borobudur temple where I got to wander off for a bit and to stand there with no intentions to Instagram, tweet or Facebook a photo- just taking in this breathtaking place was my favorite moment of all. It's so different being on the other side of the world and suddenly you can hear your own thoughts again. I want to make it a point to travel more often because there's so much clarity to have happen.
I've been trying to decide how to break down this trip for you all so that you don't miss the places I went but I'm telling you now, GO. Nothing should hold you back- from visiting Indonesia and onward. It changes a person, cleanses a person and helps you identify with who you're supposed to be. I'm so thankful for the wonderful people who sent us.
Here are a few of my favorite spots:
-Grand Ashton in Yogyakarta. Probably one of the nicest, most modern hotels I've stayed in. Strictly go for the amazing breakfast, the outdoor lounge, the pool, the bed. Basically, everything -Gran Mahakam Hotel. Literally, my favorite hotel in Indonesia- it was absolutely stunning and beautifully decorated -Skye in Central Jakarta. It's got a panorama view of all Jakarta. Picture-perfect. -Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa. So appreciative to the staff at the Taman Sari. My massage and exfoliation was the best I've ever had plus the ginger tea helped my upset stomach. Thank you Shinta! -Prambanan Temple & Borobudur Temple. Both of these temples were pure wonders. There really isn't anything to explain, just go. -The Sultan Water Palace. Photo-worthy.
Soon, there will be a video recap (cuz you all know I love me some video) so please stayed tuned for that. Oh, and there may be a post from Bali, which is possibly the best place to meet the sauciest Aussies. I mean, caliente boys.
On another note, it's literally taken me days to upload the rest of the photos from Indonesia. It's been fail after fail so all the amazing photos from Indonesia are now on my Facebook page, so go now!