I'm finally able to post. This trip has been such a whirlwind that even sitting down to upload, edit and post has been difficult. I'd much rather take in this amazing experience and tell you all how much I love Indonesia later.
I can't wait to share with you what I've seen and the people I've met. These kids were at the Batik centre and loved to have their picture taken. They were so sweet and there's more where that came from. The biggest thing I'm taking away is the amount of love and generosity these people have, for strangers. Christina and I have explored two different cities thus far and the takeaway from these two cities are amazing. I'll be sharing hopefully soon on the blog. But the best way to follow along is on Instagram!
Today we're off to the Borobudur Temple today and we've got a FIVE hour trip ahead of us, by bus. I'll probably be editing the whole time so I can make sure and give you more.