Get ready you guys, October is going to be READER APPRECIATION MONTH!
I can't wait for you guys to be a part of the blog in October- it's going to be pretty epic. I've always said this and I'll always go back to this, the whole reason I blog is for you. You guys keep me going, keep me writing, keep me here. I can't thank you enough for everything you done for me and motivated me to continue on for the past four years. This is somehow showing my appreciation and love for you little sasquatches! Love you little butterscotch monkey hand zebras!
Here's the next step:
Fill out the form below as best you can. All this will be gathered for the next few months and final candidates will be chosen by September for their October posts. This isn't guest posting, I'm not going on vacation. It's just bringing some of you awesome cupcakes onto Profresh Style because, why not?
Just erase my name, email and blog name [not sure why it's filled out already] and enter in your info! YAY!
[contact-form subject="READER APPRECIATION MONTH APPLICANT" to=""] [contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Website" type="url" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Idea " type="radio" required="true" options="Video,Profresh Guide To,Love Lust Life,Mood Style Post,Other" /] [contact-field label="Will you be in New York City in September?" type="radio" options="Yes,No" /] [contact-field label="Tell me about your idea" type="textarea" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Why do you want to be a part of Reader Appreciation Month on PS?" type="textarea" /] [/contact-form]