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I spent my night in suburbia, in a mall, for the first time in a LONG TIME. I literally gasped walking into the mall because I haven't seen one of 'those' in quite some time. I found it comical walking around with a fashionable group of gals (bloggers) roaming this semi-empty mall and realized how fun it used to be shopping all these PROMO sales. Holy crap, have you seen a promo sale? I was floored with the cheapness. But then again, it's cheapness at a mall... but all that stops with a certain store that has completely revamped their company. The Limited blew me away last night. They invited myself and a few other fantastic bloggers (24 Blogazine & Stylistic Appetite) to come see their new store opening and restructure. But I know, I know. I originally remembered them as the "GROWN-UP" store since I was shopping The Limited Too. Who had the glitter cheer sofie shorts? Anyone?

I gawked the entire time at the shop- at first glance, you may say to yourself- "hey okay, cardigans. NO." "Really? Capris?" but then you take a closer look and I found GEMS guys. GEMS. First of all, they have KILLER shoes. I'm maje impressed + they are mad comfortable. I walked around the store opening the entire time in them.  But you know, I could tell you about all about it but you're better off just taking a look at the INSTAGRAM party below. :)

And us all being city girls, we decided to make the most out of our surburban trip so of course we had to hit up a drive-thru. "James, find the nearest McDonalds. We would like to dine. ONWARD." And I must say, it was mother-effing delicious. Mmmm, meat-flavored fries. McDonalds fact #214.


The Limited is so awesome and hey, so am I, we're giving one of my equally as awesome readers a $100 gift card to The Limited! Trust me, you're going to be floored. If you don't believe me, check out their site. All you have to do is:

→ Write a comment below with your name, your email and a link to the piece you are dying over. ← I'll pick a winner at random next Thursday, May 24th 2012 and announce Friday, May 25th 2012!

If you guys are around the Garden City Roosevelt Fields mall, come check out The Limited grand-store opening! I promise it's so worth it! Even a trek out to Long Island!

Good luck!

P.S. Are you following me on Instagram? You should be.

contest closes 11:59PM on Thursday, May 24th 2012.