Just want to give you guys a quick little post for this Friday! Neiman Marcus + Refinery29 entered us bloggers who helped launch to you all that Neiman Marcus is now accepting Visa & Mastercard. Well, the epicness is we are in the running to win a shopping spree at NM! How amazing is that? Cuz girrlll, we know Christina needs some new accessories/clothes/
life... All you've got to do is CLICK THIS LINK and it will take you to the following page below. Click my look (see above) if you love it and help me win! You either enter with Facebook or not (which btw, have you seen the new Facebook Timeline? Super creeper!) and it tallies your vote. I would appreciate it more than you know so vote vote vote and share with friends and fam! Thank you all!
YAY for pretty things! Speaking of which, don't forget that today is the last day to enter the Milly Giveaway! Click here to enter!