I'm starting something new with all you amazing readers. It's a big, huge THANK YOU for all the great comments I receive on my posts. It's encouraging to know I have actually beings reading what I write and post! Every Monday, I'll post my favorite comments on the previous week-I encourage you guys to put your blog link in your comment if you have one. Not only will it post in the image but I'll make sure there is a clickable link to go along with it as a thanks for stopping by and writing a comment that caught my attention!
Katie's comment on this post was great because it encourages me to continue what I do and that's writing. Thanks Katie-
Merl cracked me up with her comment on this post. I love when people can understand my sense of humor. No sense in being prude-ish right? ;) Thanks Merl-
Joy writes the funniest comments. Her comment on this post was hilarious because it's so true. The Smith's are pretty creepy-can't lie on that. Thanks Joy-
Thanks again to all the comments! Keep them coming and I'll Reader Appreciation Monday going!