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A letter to my dear readers:

My beautiful and endearing readers:

I've officially moved servers and hosts! I'm now using WP.org and I'm loving it. However, I never realized how complicated the process is. I'm not superb with coding or editing style sheets. So far, I haven't figured out how to edit the links above (Archives & About), all my images were lost in the move so if you go back far enough, you'll notice photos are gone unfortunately (Typepad owned the rights to my photos), and I'm still working on getting my blogroll up as well as some fun extras. Although this move was great for the blog, I lost over 2300 followers. So guys, here are the ways to follow/re-follow me: Feedburner/RSS feed, and of course, GoogleConnect which is in the right column.

Let me know what you guys think! Do you enjoy the new layout? Thank you guys for being such awesome readers! See you guys in New York!

Update: I lost all my bloglovin' followers too! DAMMIT! (Shakes fist in the air) Here is the new bloglovin' link! Follow my blog with bloglovin xx,


image via WeHeartIt